Dear Readers,
First I would like to apologize for
the 15 day delay
in getting May’s issue out. For many college students, like
myself, the
month of March finds us with our nose so far in the books we come out
with fine print written all over our face. Needless to say, between
semester finals, and other prior commitments I was not able to get the
issue out in time. Don’t loose hope however, because I refuse
to let
this Newsletter die like so many that came before it.
Becomes Bi-Monthly
in itself poses a problem. Many of our writers have prior commitments,
which prevent them from getting stories in on time. Last semester my
studies suffered due to my involvement with the paper. In response to
this, and lack of writers able to meet deadlines, I have decided to
change the news letter to bi-monthly. Which means that each January,
March, May, July, September, and November - there will be an issue
published. HOWEVER the news letter may not be limited to only those
months. For Special events, like the VHR Block Party (August 1-7),
Halloween (October), and Christmas (December), I may publish additional
news letters between the assigned months.
Rule Changes
brings me to my next order of business. While we are always accepting
Freelance writers, they will no longer have their name on the front
page under Newsletter staff. For the sake of appearance we wish to have
a consistent team, which now means since we are a bi-monthly
newsletter, team members are required to submit at least one article
every issue. This is no different then the previous requirement,
writers are still given the same amount of time, but there is no longer
a grace window between issues. To be a staff member, writers must show
that they are willing to meet deadlines, and must submit one published
article for two consistent issues before being added to the list of
New Editor
We have had some changes in
staff, due to unforseen extenuating circumstances that I would like to
address. Alabama, our previous Editor and Chief has officially retired
from the newsletter. This means that all edited drafts, suggestions,
comments, and questions should be directed to me via VHR Forum, VP
Forum, SBF Forum, or Email through the Newsletter. I would also like to
take this moment to welcome Kholran to the team. A long time Animal
Welfare columnist, she has stepped up to bat as our new Editor. Though
I don’t think I’ve told her yet :). Consider
Future Expectations
am also striving to make this newsletter more well rounded. The
challenge is how do we do that when we cater to a number of Orbis run
games. Unfortunately I’m not in a position to be able to
everyone, although I would love to. As a result some games, like
Legendera, and VHR 3D have to be set aside until I find a suitable
columnist. As designer of the newsletter, I try to keep in mind the
different countries we all hail from, or the different reasons we may
have our animals. The time of the year also plays a big roll in how I
shape that months stories. I wish to keep the newsletter fun and upbeat
for you, but I also want my readers to be able to learn something new,
different, and even more exciting.
I would like
to welcome our readers to critique, comment, or even add to columns we
have done in any of the issues. Have you ever opened a magazine, and
there is a little Editors Corner with comments or additions to previous
articles? I would like to see what readers have to say, since opinion
often varies.
So aside from my occasional lapse of
management, I hope you readers will find each issue more interesting
then the next. If you have anything you wish to contribute, I look
forward to hearing from you.
Thank You,

- Cheif
Kholran - Editor/Writer
Dragon - Writer
from the Editor....................................1
Life Long Friends Success Stories.......................1
Creative Writing Contest.................................1
VP Player Meeting.........................................1
April Contest Results.....................................2
March Contest Results...................................2
Clayton the Clone........................................2
The Kentucky Derby.....................................2
The 135 Kentucky Oaks..................................2
A Word from the Hobbits................................2
Many Faces of Dog Racing..............................2
Derby Day: from the Couch of Swar...................3
The Azawakh Hound......................................3
Question of the Month...................................3
What you need to know Before Adopting a Dog.....3
Herald-Mage Trilogy Book Review.......................3
Friends Pet Adoptions
(aka Lago Vista PAWS) is
unique in the
world of no-kill shelters because we focus on saving the lives of stray
and abandoned dogs and cats, rather than taking owner surrenders. For
the past 12 years, we have accepted the most challenging of rescue
missions, and we have been successful with very little in the way of
Through our small shelter, thousands
of animals
have found loving, forever homes. Others have found permanent safe
haven. Many of the animals that come to us are sick or injured. I would
like you to "meet" some of the many animals Lifelong Friends has saved.
an update on Magnum, a graduate from Lifelong Friends who became an
arson dog for a fire department. Notice that Magnum is wearing a badge.
Mags had his first investigation on Fri @ 230am, vehicle fire extended
into the garage. 5 alerts, 3 exterior on pickup and 2 interior of
pickup. He worked like he had been doing this for years. He likes all
of the lights and the fire guys around.” - Matthew (Fire
Specialist/Arson Investigator)
thrilled to announce that Granite has a loving, forever home. He has
been away on a sleepover. It took him a little while to adjust to a
home environment, but he is doing well. As some of you might recall,
Granite had a tough time adjusting to life at the shelter. I spent a
lot of time working with him to make him feel safe and loved. He is a
completely different cat than when he first arrived. If he had gone to
any other shelter, he would have been euthanized. Not only because he
was terrified and acting out, but because he is a special needs cat
with feline AIDS. He has been very healthy with us, and there is no
reason why he can't live a long and healthy life.” - Janet
Barney, Murphy, and Twix were treated
and have
fully recovered from Parvo. All three have been adopted.
the very first issue (September 2008), we shared the story about Coral
the Boxer who needed emergency medical treatment due to birthing
complications. Well it’s been almost 10 months now and
you’ve been long
overdue for an update!
“We thought we would send
y'all an
update on how Coral is doing in her new home. She has been adjusting
surprisingly well. We couldn't have hoped for a better homecoming week.
She has had no accidents in the house and no stomach upset. From the
first day, she has let us know when she needed to go to the bathroom.
She has quickly learned what “outside” means and
where the
door is that
gets her there. We are slowly working on her basic obedience (Sit, Stay
and Down). She really loves the outside. She gets walked twice a day
and is quickly adjusting to her new neighborhood. She suffers very
little from separation anxiety and waits for us to come home either in
her crate or on the living room dog bed where she can see all three
doors into the house. She had a little problem with getting used to the
linoleum in the kitchen. But a runway of bathroom carpets helped her
overcome that fear and she now walks through the kitchen like she owns
the place. We decided to change her name to Penelope Pitstop (Penny for
short). It comes from an old 1960's cartoon called Wacky Races. She
loves her new backyard and often gets the zips when she's out there.
She loves to run laps and figure eights at full speed until her big old
tongue is just hanging out of her face. We tried to capture some of
that on video but, just like car racing, there's nothing like seeing it
live and in-person. This weekend she has really started to come out of
her shell more and more. She's exploring more and more and found her
way up on the bed with us Saturday morning. She also discovered the
office and how tasty an
Lifelong Friends Pet Adoptions win the 2009 Shelter Challenge
Award. Click on the button above to help rescued animals, and then
<b>vote in The Animal Rescue Site $100,000 Shelter+
Challenge</b>. Both of these actions are absolutely free!
You can
vote once a day, every day, from April 13 through July 26,2009. Every
time you vote, or tell a friend to vote, you are making a huge
difference for us.
Eligible organizations with the most
could receive a weekly prize and/or one of the other grants below! More
than 60 grants will be awarded for a total of $100,000 going to
eligible Petfinder.com members by the end of July 2009.
winners will be announced throughout the contest. Fifteen weekly prizes
of $1,000 will be awarded to eligible Petfinder.com organizations.
of the following will be announced on July 29, 2009. Prizes will go to
the eligible Petfinder.com organization with the highest accumulative
votes for the duration of the Challenge as specified in the rules.
Grand Prize:
One $20,000 grant!
Second Prize:
One $5,000 grant!
Third Prize:
One $3,000 grant!
Mentions: Two $1,500 grants!
State Winners*:
Fifty-one $1,000 state grants
(50 U.S. states and
Washington DC)
Canadian Winners*:
Two $1,000 grants will be
US Territories
Winner*: One $1,000 grant
be awarded.
office chair can be
(while I was sitting in
it!). But two quick a-a's changed her mind about that and a Nylabone
has become her favorite chew toy. She is a very sweet, loving, smart,
and eager to please. Thank you for helping us find our new fuzzy family
member. We will definitely keep in touch.” - Allison, Rick
came to Lifelong Friends extremely malnourished and had to have an
emergency C-section in November 2008. She gave birth to 10 puppies, but
she did not have any milk. We bottle fed all of her babies. Sadly,
three of the puppies were not strong enough to make it. The other seven
(Autumn, June, River, Ike, Willow, Thunder, Sycamore) had to be treated
for a skin infection when they were a couple weeks old, but they have
all recovered and are doing well. The pups are now 4 months old. All
but two of these babies have already found loving homes. Summer will
need to be treated for heartworms before she is ready to look for her
special someone."
"Every year, Lifelong Friends takes in
orphaned kittens like Rosemary, who came to us when she was just days
old. Because this is a very labor-intensive job, most shelters opt to
euthanize bottle babies. Rosemary's rescue story has a happy ending.
She has been adopted."

was rescued by a volunteer at Lifelong Friends. This kitty had a rope
tied around her neck. It was probably placed there when she was a
kitten. As she grew, the noose tightened to the point where she could
barely swallow. The rope became embedded in her skin and had to be
surgically removed. Lesa is waiting for a wonderful adopter, someone
who will cherish her and keep her safe for the rest of her life."
was rescued from a truck engine in the middle of the night on New
Year's Eve, 2008. Lifelong Friends got a call from the Lago Vista
Police Department. The dispatcher reported that a stray kitten was
stuck in the engine of a resident's vehicle, and it was injured. Two
shelter volunteers raced to the scene. After some maneuvering, they
were able to get hold of the kitten and pull it out of the engine. They
named the kitten Leona as they rushed her to the vet. She was
emaciated, weighing less than 2 pounds at 6 months of age. She had a
grievous injury to her eye that was severely infected. Thanks to the
tender loving care that Leona received, she has made a full recovery.
Her eye could not be saved, so the vet removed it. Leona has a pending
application for a permanent home with someone she can snuggle with and
purr for. As soon as she gets a clean bill of health from the vet, she
will go to her forever home."
These were just a few miracles
made possible by your donations of compassion. Please feel free to
donate and help us create a better life for another animal in need. Or
vote for us every day, and help us qualify for grant money.
Writing Contest
The Creative Writing Contest we hosted a few
months back, was our guinea pig project. It was the first project were
we offered pre-paid game credits for. Unfortunately we didn't get the
kind of response we were hoping for. I want to thank the few
participants for their efforts, any inform everyone else that the
contest has been canceled. We do plan on doing other contests in the
future, however I do not believe we'll be doing game credits again.
VP Meeting
There will be a VP player meeting in
chat on Tuesday May 19th at 7pm
CST (that's 8pm EST and 5pm PST). Nef the game developer, will be there
to give VPers updates and answer player questions as well as discuss
changes some want in the game. The time is subject to change and will
be confirmed in this post.